As women approach menopause, they can become bombarded with a number of symptoms including hot flashes, insomnia, irritability, vaginal dryness, and fatigue. The process can last up to 10 years and these discomforts are thought to be unavoidable. Treatment options include hormone therapy and estrogen therapy, which come with a variety of risks including numerous cancers, strokes, and heart disease. But the truth is, these are just signs of imbalances in the body that can be treated all-naturally.
Most women in Asia actually do not experience many of the symptoms women in the West deal with. This is because they have an understanding of how herbal medicines and dietary therapy can help deal with these imbalances. They also receive regular acupuncture treatments which has shown to treat and prevent many menopausal symptoms.
How Chinese Medicine Views Menopause
Eastern medicine views the body as a working system that balances itself in health. The basics of this system is Yin and Yang, which when in balance we feel healthy. Yin energy is cooling, moistening and calming, while Yang energy is our furnace, giving us the drive to move and heating our body. As we get older, our Yin energy starts to decrease causing hot flashes, night sweats, irritability, insomnia and a reduced sex drive. Basically, our cooling fluids are depleted.
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine for Menopause
With a combination of acupuncture, Chinese herbs, dietary therapy and lifestyle coaching, you can build your Yin energy back up. In turn, you receive long-term, side-effect free relief from symptoms related to menopause, including:
Night sweats
Hot flashes and spontaneous sweating
Hair dryness and loss
Dry skin
Reduced sex drive
Vaginal Dryness
Chinese medicine views each woman's symptoms as individual to herself, which means that treatments are personalized to you and your needs. Usually, points will be included which help vent heat, relax the mind, as well as increase body moisture and energy. Patients leave feeling relaxed with a sense of general well-being. Regular treatment is required in order to be truly effective.
Herbal prescriptions are also individually tailored to address root imbalances. They are completely safe when created by a licensed acupuncturist and are government regulated for safety and purity. These formulas can have a positive effect on balancing hormones, calming the mind and improving bone density. You also receive dietary and lifestyle coaching to receive the most from your treatments. Traditional Chinese Medicine has been proven to work for thousands of years for the relief of menopausal symptoms.
Are you ready to take control of your hormones? Click here to book your free 30-minute consultation so we can discuss your unique case and whether Chinese medicine is a good option for you. You can also call me at (954) 652-6618. I'm never too busy for your questions!

Ana Toriello, D.O.M., is a National Board certified Diplomate of Oriental Medicine operating a private practice in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, which includes an herbal pharmacy. She specializes in women's health, dermatology and cosmetic acupuncture. Please visit www.fortlauderdale-acupuncture.com for more information.