Thanksgiving is a holiday dedicated for gratitude but for many Americans it starts a downhill battle with food for the holiday season. Usually the feast we all look forward to is not filled
with the healthiest options and can leave us feeling uncomfortably full as well as some guilt.
But there are ways to help you avoid the stomach bursting feelings and the post-meal regret.
1. Don't Skip Meals
Make sure to eat breakfast with protein and don't try to go the whole day without eating in order to have your fill at dinner. Ignoring your hunger will most likely ignore your fullness cues leading to overeating, treat it as any other day!
2. Don't Start Your Meal with Bread
Eating carbs in your first few bites release hunger stimulating hormones. Try a few bites of turkey first and it will have the opposite effect.
3. Chew!
If you are painfully hungry, you may start shoveling in food. Slow down, chew and savor each bite. Try setting your fork down between bites to allow your body to feel full before it is too late.
4. Wait...
Make sure to wait 15 minutes before getting up for a second serving. This allows your stomach signals to get your brain and let you feel how full you actually are.
5. Don't Fill Up Your Plate Too Much
Your eyes can be bigger than your stomach which make you add much more to your plate than you need, you can then feel obligated to clean off your plate even though you are already full.
6. Remember, There Are Always Leftovers!
You can feel like you need to eat as much as you can because this is the only time of the year you eat this food, but you can always have leftovers the next day and don't need to over fill yourself
7. Keep Hydrated
Drinking plenty of water throughout the day can keep your hunger signals at bay. It can also offset the higher than normal amount of sodium you may be ingesting during the meal.
8. Try Some Gentle Yoga Post Meal
Here is a 20 minute video for some gentle yoga moves you can do to help get that food moving!
Do you have any other tips on how to avoid overeating? Leave a comment below!